Maximizing ROI: Understanding Marketing-Portfolio Incrementality

Learn how to maximize ROI by understanding and measuring marketing-portfolio incrementality across channels.

Graph depicting ROI growth through marketing portfolio strategies.
Gabriele Franco
July 24, 2024

Understanding how your marketing efforts contribute to your overall success is crucial. Marketing-portfolio incrementality helps you see the true impact of your campaigns across all channels. By focusing on incrementality, you can optimize your budget and make smarter investment choices. This article will guide you through the key concepts, methods, and benefits of measuring and maximizing marketing-portfolio incrementality.

Key Takeaways

  • Marketing-portfolio incrementality measures the real impact of your marketing across all channels.
  • Using matched-market tests can help you understand cross-stack incrementality.
  • Moving beyond simple attribution to incrementality can greatly improve your ROI.
  • Incrementality insights allow for better budget allocation and strategic investments.
  • Understanding and applying incrementality can help scale your marketing efforts.

The Importance of Marketing-Portfolio Incrementality

Marketing-portfolio incrementality focuses on measuring incremental conversions across all your marketing channels. It’s an extensive method that analyzes the impact of your marketing activity on all the media channels you’ve leveraged. Marketing-portfolio incrementality also weighs how much organic incremental value your marketing campaign could have earned across all channels. However, it takes a lot of analysis work to prove marketing-portfolio incrementality, especially when integrating multiple data sources.

Measuring Incrementality Across Marketing Channels

Understanding how to measure incrementality across different marketing channels is crucial for optimizing your marketing strategy. Unlocking the future of data with privacy-first measurement is essential for accurate and effective analysis.

Tools and Techniques

To measure incrementality, you need the right tools and techniques. Some popular methods include:

  1. Channel Impact Analysis: This method helps you understand how each marketing channel contributes to your overall goals.
  2. Cross-Channel Measurement: This technique evaluates the combined effect of multiple channels working together.
  3. Privacy-First Measurement: Ensuring data privacy while measuring incrementality is becoming increasingly important.

Matched-Market Tests

Matched-market tests are a powerful way to measure incrementality. By comparing similar markets where only one variable is changed, you can see the true impact of your marketing efforts. For example, if you run a campaign in two similar cities but only use billboards in one, you can measure the incremental impact of the billboards.

Challenges in Measurement

Measuring incrementality is not without its challenges. Some common issues include:

  • Data privacy concerns
  • Difficulty in isolating variables
  • Conflicting findings from different measurement techniques
Despite these challenges, effective measurement techniques for campaign success are essential for making informed marketing decisions.

Optimizing Budget Allocation with Incrementality Insights

Cross-Stack Incrementality

Cross-stack incrementality helps you optimize on-stack budget allocations as well as on-stack optimizations. By understanding incrementality, businesses can optimize their marketing efforts for maximum results and make more effective use of their marketing budget. This can help them drive more sales and improve their overall return on investment (ROI).

On-Stack Optimizations

Incrementality measurement ensures you’re not getting short-changed by allocating your marketing resources to target an already-sold audience while you would get better business outcomes elsewhere. With such insight, you can create a more streamlined marketing resource allocation and distribution roadmap.

Strategic Investment Decisions

Based on these insights and numerous others we were able to adjust our marketing spend to optimize for marginal cost of each lead by specific audience segments defined by geography, recency, and site behavior. The process provided valuable insights into not only our marketing efforts, but user behavior, our product experience, and our business model.

Moving Beyond Attribution to Incrementality

Attribution models, like Last-click and Time Decay, help businesses understand which marketing channels contribute to conversions. However, they often fall short in revealing the true impact of marketing efforts. Understanding incremental contribution is key to business success. It helps optimize marketing campaigns, drive revenue growth, and enhance profitability through effective resource allocation and strategic decision-making.

Calculating Incremental ROI

Formula for Incremental ROI

To calculate Incremental ROI, use the formula:

Incremental ROI = Total Revenues (across all channels) / Total Ad Spend

This formula helps you understand the incremental revenue each marketing channel generates. By knowing this, you can distribute your marketing investments more strategically, enabling you to maximize total ROI.

Interpreting Results

Measuring incremental ROI gives you a more holistic view of your ad performance than just tracking return on ad spend (ROAS). With ROAS, you only factor in the revenues from your paid media-attributed results and divide them by your total ad spend. However, with incremental ROI, you factor in the total income from all your marketing channels and divide it by your total ad spend.

For instance, you may find that while one media channel generates new traffic, your total ROI is decreasing. Calculating incremental ROI establishes whether your marketing campaign is driving new sales or just fanning pre-existing market behavior molded by previous marketing campaigns.

Practical Applications

Evaluating the incrementality of ROI is crucial. High-intent channels like Google Search or Retargeting often appear attractive due to their promise of better targeting and higher conversion rates. However, my experience has shown that the higher the reported ROI, the lower the incrementality of the campaign. Incrementality is measuring what share of the reported leads would still happen without marketing.

For example, looking at the incrementality of the campaign revealed that less than 20% of the retargeting campaign’s impact was incremental. That fact alone meant the marginal (incremental) cost of those additional leads were actually 5X more expensive than originally assumed (pushing negative ROI), and we were simply taking credit for actions which would have eventually occurred through other channels (cannibalization). Failure?

Unlocking media ROI growth: a 3 steps guide. Learn about incrementality, multitouch attribution, and optimizing media mix for maximizing ROI in marketing campaigns.

Scaling Marketing Efforts with Incrementality

Scaling your marketing efforts using incrementality insights can be a game-changer. By understanding how each marketing channel contributes to your overall goals, you can make smarter decisions about where to allocate your resources. This approach ensures that every dollar spent is driving the most value possible, leading to better ROI and more effective campaigns.

The Future of Marketing-Portfolio Incrementality

As we look ahead, the future of marketing-portfolio incrementality is set to be shaped by several key trends and advancements. Predictive Analytics in Marketing will play a crucial role, allowing businesses to forecast outcomes and make data-driven decisions. This will help in maximizing marketing efficiency: the power of incremental ROAS.

Emerging Trends

One of the emerging trends is the increasing use of machine learning algorithms to analyze vast amounts of data. These algorithms can identify patterns and predict which marketing strategies will yield the highest incremental value. Additionally, the Adstock Effect will be more accurately measured, helping marketers understand the long-term impact of their campaigns.

Technological Advancements

Technological advancements are also paving the way for more precise measurement of incrementality. Tools that integrate various data sources will provide a holistic view of marketing performance. This will enable marketers to fine-tune their strategies and allocate budgets more effectively.

Expert Predictions

Experts predict that as the technology evolves, the focus will shift from simple attribution models to more complex incrementality analyses. This shift will allow businesses to gain deeper insights into their marketing efforts and drive sustainable growth. Understanding incremental ROAS for data-driven marketing decisions will become a standard practice, ensuring that every marketing dollar is well spent.


Understanding and applying marketing-portfolio incrementality is key to getting the most out of your marketing efforts. By measuring the true impact of your campaigns across all channels, you can make smarter decisions about where to invest your budget. This approach not only helps in maximizing your return on investment (ROI) but also ensures that your marketing strategies are effective and efficient. Remember, the goal is to see how much extra value your marketing brings in, beyond what would have happened without it. By focusing on incrementality, you can better understand the real performance of your marketing activities and drive more meaningful growth for your business.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is marketing-portfolio incrementality?

Marketing-portfolio incrementality measures the extra conversions that come from all your marketing channels. It looks at how your marketing efforts impact all the media you use and checks how much extra value your campaign brings in.

Why is incrementality important?

Understanding incrementality helps businesses get the most out of their marketing budget. By knowing what works, they can drive more sales and improve their return on investment (ROI).

What are common misconceptions about incrementality?

Some people think that simple attribution is enough, but without looking at incrementality, the results can be misleading. Others believe it's only for big businesses, but any company can benefit from understanding incrementality.

How do you measure incrementality across marketing channels?

There are several tools and techniques, like matched-market tests, that help measure incrementality. These methods compare different markets to see the true impact of your marketing efforts.

What is the difference between attribution and incrementality?

Attribution shows which marketing channels get credit for conversions, while incrementality measures the actual extra conversions caused by your marketing. Incrementality gives a clearer picture of what really works.

How can incrementality help in budget allocation?

By understanding which channels bring in extra conversions, businesses can allocate their budget more effectively. This means spending more on what works and less on what doesn't, leading to better overall results.